
How Much Money Does Burt's Bees Make A Year

Cap, Human, Glasses, Wood, Facial hair, House, Beard, Moustache, Log cabin, Roof,

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The company that bears his proper name (and confront) is worth upward of a billion dollars, simply according to The Daily Animal, Burt Shavitz of Burt's Bees isn't exactly living the high life. In fact, he's living in a 400-square-foot converted turkey coop in rural Maine. How'd this come to pass? Well, that's the interesting part.

Dorsum in the '70s, Burt was working as a beekeeper in upstate New York afterwards he soured on his job as a photojournalist in NYC — shooting for the likes of The New York Times, Life, and Time — in the '60s. When his granddaddy died, leaving him money, Burt decided to move to the backwoods of Maine to go on his beekeeping, selling his honey out of a van on the side of the route, and eventually at a local store.

Hither's where things take a turn: In 1984, Burt met a hitchhiker by the name of Roxanne Quimby. The two soon became business partners and lovers, with Quimby'south knack for design helping the Burt's Bees empire grow. They started making beeswax candles, then shoe smoothen, then — y'all guessed information technology — lip balm.

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A clip from the documentary Burt's Buzz, about Shavitz'due south life

When the company incorporated in 1991, Burt owned one 3rd of the company and Quimby owned the other two thirds. By 1993, the visitor had moved its headquarters to Durham, NC to deal with increasing demand. Quimby controlled product development, while Burt traveled to manage the retail stores.

And his eye, it wandered.

Burt took up with a college-age daughter from one of the stores, and the affair led to 1 hell of a breakup with Quimby. In the aftermath, he received a house and 50 acres of belongings for his share of the company. The value: $130,000. Call back, Burt's Bees is now worth over $1 billion.

Bum bargain for Burt, but Quimby did give him $4 meg when she sold off fourscore% of Burt'south Bees for $173 meg. And the company nonetheless pays him an undisclosed amount to use his likeness and name. Still, Burt's out millions. Hundreds of millions. Allow this be a lesson, guys: Don't cheat.

Oh, and most that turkey coop. Yes, he could afford something nicer, fifty-fifty without the boatload of greenbacks his philandering ways lost him. But it turns out he just likes the confinement. Equally he told the Beast at the Toronto International Motion-picture show Festival, where the Shavitz-focused documentary Burt'due south Buzz is showing, "A farewell is when no i shows upwardly and you lot don't accept to become anywhere."

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