
How To Get Wax Out Of Cat Fur

Removing Candle Wax From My Cat's Fur?

Question: Removing Candle Wax From My Cat's Fur?

April 28, 2006

A cat looking intently at a burning candle.I would like to ask for help. Could someone tell me how to get a chunk of candle wax out of a cats tail? It did not burn her but I cannot hold her down long enough to cut it out. It is very close to the skin of the tail. Could someone help me?

Thank you,
Vicky and Oddie from Ontario Canada


By Cecilia (Guest Post)

April 30, 2006 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I would try swaddling the cat in a large towel. Roll him up like a burrito with his tail left out. You can then remove the wax by cutting. Ice would probably work to harden & breakoff.

I swaddle one of my kitties whenever I have to trim her nails. Otherwise she bites! Think of a newborn infant bunting. Good luck!

By Tammy. (Guest Post)

May 1, 2006 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I have seen an older lady use a pillow case to hold the cat in, kinda like a horses blinder would be. It can calm the cat some. Just leave it's tail out and try to get some of it cut out. It may not hurt to wrap a blanket around the pillow case too incase the cat try's to scratch through it. Glad it didn't get burned!
Hope this helps some, or someone else has a great suggestion :-)
Tammy - NC

April 28, 2014 2 found this helpful

Best Answer

I ended up using coconut oil to get the wax off of my kittens fur out of between his toes. It was excellent and took it all out and when he licked at it afterwards it was beneficial for him.

So was a healthier and safer method.

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Question: Removing Wax from a Cat's Fur?

January 28, 2018

How can I get Scensey wax out of my cat's fur?


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts

January 28, 2018 1 found this helpful

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Apply an ice cube to fur to harden the wax, then break it off with your fingers. Get a metal grooming comb to remove any bits.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

January 29, 2018 0 found this helpful

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Coconut oil will soften it, and be good for the cat's skin.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts

January 31, 2018 2 found this helpful

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If you can't remove it with the ice or coconut oil, the next best thing is to cut it out. The fur will grow back and be less harmful than trying to remove it and hurt the cat. I had to do this with gum one time that got in my cat's fur.

I felt like i was hurting the cat trying to remove it, so I just cut it off and it took a couple of weeks and the fur grew back.

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Question: Removing Candle Wax from a Kitten's Fur?

June 8, 2020

Our kitten knocked over my wax melting burner. She's covered in the wax which has hardened. How can I get the wax out? It's in the fur really good so there is no way to chip it out or break it off.

I tried a warm towel, but it didn't help.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks

June 8, 2020 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

There are several suggestions on how to do this but it seems the most popular one is to use coconut oil (or maybe olive oil if no coconut oil available?).

This may not work with your type of wax but still worth a try.

The other method is using ice cubes to further harden the wax so it will 'break off or loosen' easier.

Check out these for further instructions.

If neither of these methods helps then you should talk with a groomer but make sure they know about dealing with wax.
Or - you may have to take her to her vet.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts

June 9, 2020 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I had this happen once to my cat and the way I got off the wax was by taking ice cubes and putting them on the way and using a flea comb to gently comb the cat's hair. I did try a few other methods but the cat was not happy and it seemed to make it a bit worse.

I know it will take quite a bit of time and you have to be really gentle when combing the wax out of the cat's hair. Just try to keep as much of the water off the cat as possible. I found if I put the ice in a plastic sealed bag it worked mush better for me.

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Question: Removing Wax from Cat's Fur?

February 25, 2017

How do I get wax out of my cat's fur?


February 25, 2017 0 found this helpful

Ice or trim it out?
I'd love to hear the story of how it got in the fur....cats are always getting into trouble

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts

February 26, 2017 0 found this helpful

I personally stand by the ice cube method, it worked really well on our crazy, long-haired cat!

February 26, 2017 1 found this helpful

I would try to prim, but if the damage is deep, then get some damp gloves and with minimal water you can peel it off if it is anything like candle wax. If not, put that sucker in a larger box and spray it down (just kidding...if you are).

But another thing you could do is get some vegetable oil or cocoanut oil...any sleek oil that wouldn't irritate the cat's hatred of water and, with gloves, peel it off.

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November 26, 2017 0 found this helpful

She was being her usual self and getting up to no good we have ceramic plate that melts the candle wax to give you a scented smell she knocked it over and got wax all over herself luckily she didnt hurt herself and now she has got wax on her fur at the back leg and her stomach aswell

August 18, 2019 0 found this helpful

Did it help residue? Lol my cat just did the same. I got wax out with comb and used little dawn soap n warm water. But still feel it.

December 8, 2019 0 found this helpful

Soy wax from wax burner is not coming off my short haired Russian Blue. It is on her head and ears. Thankfully not in her eyes. Tried ice, coconut oil, vegetable oil, mineral oil. Nothing works. It's hard as a brick. I'm at the end of my rope. Will be going to the vet. I guess soy wax is different from the regular candle wax. Any suggestions? Help!

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Question: Removing Melted Soy Candle Wax from a Cat's Fur?

December 8, 2019

My short haired Russian Blue dumped soy wax from a burner on her head. Her eyes are fine, but the wax has hardened like a brick on top of her head and ears. I tried ice, coconut oil, mineral oil, and vegetable oil.

Kitty's head and ears now very slick brick. Is soy wax different from the regular candle wax? I am frantic. Kitty is still purring. Any suggestions? Help!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts

December 8, 2019 0 found this helpful

You say the wax is hard now after trying ice cubes on the wax. In this case, use your finger nails and start to comb through the cat's hair to remove some of the wax. Now take some olive oil and apply to the rest of the wax and keep working it into the wax. Take a small comb and start to comb the wax. This should remove the rest of the wax out of the fur. You will need to use the comb and also your finger nails to get the wax out of the fur.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

December 8, 2019 0 found this helpful

Ice removes wax. If your dog can take it, rub ice quickly and flick if off with a wire dog brush.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks

December 9, 2019 0 found this helpful

Well that sure doesnt sound like fun. Have you considered asking your Vet to help out. Cats can be so uncooperative and a little sedative can help a lot. I am a candlemaker and soy wax has a lower melt point than regular wax. Sometimes you can soften it by holding towels soaked in hot water and wrung out against it. Then you can scrape it off with a credit card. But when it is on your cat there is so much more to worry about. Good luck to you. Let us know how things turn out.

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How To Get Wax Out Of Cat Fur


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