
How To Get 1000 Subscribers On Youtube Free

Wondering how to get 1,000 subscribers on Youtube Channel as fast as possible? This video will help:

So, at this time, I only have 26,400 YouTube subscribers. This isn't much to brag about. But I do have more than 1,000, so I can at least help you find the ways to that special first milestone and get your first 1000. If you want to succeed as a video creator make sure you read until the end to increase subscriber count and get viewers to subscribe.

Let's jump in.

1. Create Valuable Content

Attempting to create valuable content is at the forefront of everything I try to do. YouTube is no exception. I will say that creating YouTube SEO optimized videos is much more logistically challenging than writing SEO content on a blog because there are so many stages and variables involved.

For example, me spending 20 minutes trying to get the camera in the right spot or spending another 20 minutes trying to get the lighting right…

But at the end of the day, people are only going to click the subscribe button on a channel if they believe it's valuable in some way. Value comes in many different forms.

I recommend focusing on trying to create the absolute best videos you can and to avoid worrying about content publishing consistency.  Making at least one video a week is helpful, but you can't win with the consistency game unless you have a huge team. And even then, it's still hard to produce great pieces of content when your focus is on consistency and not on the highest quality imaginable.

One other point to keep in mind is your content marketing strategy. Try to create most of your videos around a target keyword (here's a great resource about ranking YouTube videos), it's smart to have it in your video thumbnail along with a call to action.  Another important factor in your channel art is Youtube SEO for each video description. YouTube is the biggest video search engine and you need to use keywords for searchers to find your content. This keyword research guide is a good place to start your content marketing for your chancel page in the right way.

My final point about content is that I recommend creating long-form, in-depth content. My most popular video on YouTube is my video about developing an SEO strategy. It's over 40 minutes long, but it has over 13,000 views.

Creating great content is only the first step though. You must also promote your content if you want to get any traction. My favorite method is to…

2. Leverage Your Email List

My secret weapon for YouTube channel content promotion is my email list. Whenever I publish a new video, I immediately send an email to my list. This sends an influx of views and engagement on the video right away, which are positive factors for your video and channel. I highly recommend you start building an email list because this is truly an unfair advantage for content promotion.

One of the other ways to get more youtube subscribers

I promote my videos within the meat of my blog content. If you analyze my blog, you'll see my YouTube videos all over.

The main takeaway is that you need to get as many eyeballs on your YouTube content as you can. This is one of the main ways to get your like button clicked.  Outside of promoting your content to your list, another good method is to:

3. Use Contests/Giveaways

There is nothing complicated about this at all. Just give one of your products or services away for free and ask your YouTube Channel subscribers to participate. For example, my first giveaway was lifetime access to my SEO training course, Gotch SEO Academy.

Then I just asked for people to click a subscribe button, comment, and like every video to be entered into the contest. You can also use the help of social media, which works the best with a catchy channel trailer.

Whoever was the most active won the contest.

The truth is, contests incentivize people to engage with your content and engagement is huge for your YouTube channel. Bringing me to my next point.

4. Engage with Your Audience!

The main goal of your channel page video marketing is to promote your channel. No matter what type of content you use, there is something more than an engaging channel trailer and a motivating end screen. Make your videos and video descriptions user-friendly and attractive and always think about your viewers, whether it's your first 1000 subscribers or you have just hit the first million. I'm someone who believes you should respond to every single blog comment or social media comment you get. That's because someone took time out of their day to leave you a comment and you should be honored. If you check out my blog, you'll see that I've responded to every single blog comment I've ever gotten.

As of right now, my blog has 8,676 total blog comments and half of those are me.

This type of effort is like compound interest for your brand.

Every response builds slightly more trust for your brand and this compounds over time. People take notice and they realize that you're someone that actually cares about them. You will build a loyal audience by genuinely caring about every single person and by truly wanting THEM to succeed.

Don't forget:

You need people to like and trust your brand if they're going to buy things from you and subscribe to your YouTube channel.

So just to recap, here's how you get your first 1,000 YouTube subscribers:
  1. Create incredible, keyword-targeted content and focus on quality over quantity.
  2. Start building an email list so you can get traction with your new videos as soon as possible. I'll give you some email list growth strategies in future videos.
  3. Do giveaways to incentivize people to engage with your content and subscribe to your channel.
  4. Always take the time to engage with your audience and remember that there's another human being on the other side of that keyword.

You now know how to get 1,000 YouTube subscribers and all you need to do is start taking the necessary actions. It won't be easy at first and it will feel overwhelming. THAT'S OKAY. Trust me. It gets much easier once you get your workflow going. Also, if you don't feel confident about the video, the best way to build your confidence to create a video and publish it. Do this over-and-over and I promise you'll get better.

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How To Get 1000 Subscribers On Youtube Free


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